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Ipinapakita ang mga post mula sa Pebrero, 2019

Green Shopping Tips for Buying Food

Everyone buys food, but did you know that there are ways you can ensure that your shopping trips add as little to your carbon footprint as possible? These green shopping tips for buying food will help turn you into a sustainable shopper in no time. ·          Buy in Season – Whether it’s plants, meat, or fish, there is a season for everything. If you buy in season, the price will be lower, and the food will be fresher. Not only that it will offer more vitamins and minerals for every calorie than processed food or old out of season food that may not have been stored properly. The exception is fermented food as this is the most sustainable and healthy manner of storage. ·          Buy Locally – When you buy locally from people who are producing food on their own land you will cut down your carbon footprint by a lot. Mostly because fewer fossil fuels are needed to get the food to you. When you buy locally, you also put more money in your local coffers that will help boo